

On the A629 - Penistone Road, Birdsedge Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 8XP

Currently suspended, but we never say never again.

ac logoWe would like to acknowlege financial assistance from the Yorkshire Musicians in Residence scheme of Arts Council England for underwriting concerts from 1989 to 2008 by Artists including: Simon Mayor and Hilary James; Maire ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman; Artisan; Maggie Boyle Steve Tilston & Chris Parkinson, Pete Coe and the Brian Bedford Band. Sadly the funding has now been cut from this excellent scheme and we - and all other Yorkshire-based vanues - have lost a valuable source of underwriting for gig fees for Yorkshire based artists.

Artisan - Birdsedge's Resident Performers
1985 - 2005

Harmony trio Artisan travelled the world for twenty years, taking their own particular brand of songs and humour to Britain, Germany, Canada, the USA and -- Birdsedge. Why Birdsedge? Well, everyone has to live somewhere and two thirds of Artisan call Birdsege home. When they first started performing together in 1984, the Village hall was their first venue. In 1989, when they gave up the day-jobs and made music their full-time career, they didn't lose their links with the village hall, and for the past twenty years they have given their services to keep a series of music nights in this small rural hall. Artisan disbanded in November 2005 - after a hugely successful international career (see endnotes). Jacey continues to run her agency and Brian continues to run his studio. Hilary continues to sing both solo and as half of the duo Quicksilver with Grant Baynham. Artisan was persuaded out of retirement for ten weeks in Summer 2010 and again in 2015. Full story here.
